A podcast for Emergency Nurses and the people who rely on them. Sometimes irreverent, sometimes emotional, and often unbelievable - like the ER itself. Tips, taboos, and the culture of Emergency Nurses.
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DEFINITION: the "Q" Word (source: The Urban Dictionary)
The "Q" Word (Q=Quiet) is a word known in the Emergency Services as a punishable offensive word. Whenever the word is muttered, the night (or day) becomes flooded with emergency calls.
"Man it sure is quiet tonight..."
"Why'd you just say the "Q" Word, dude?!"

An art major and a theatre major meet in college. 30 years later, the artist is a mother of 4 and a trauma nurse, and the theatre major is a Harvard administrator working with
pre-med students -- and the friendship has never been stronger. Share our stories, listen to interviews, laugh a little with us, and learn something new as Nurse Nyssa teaches neophyte Lisa about the wild, stressful, wonderful, terrifying, often sad, sometimes hilarious world of the ER.


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